About HAH

Healing Arts Haven was founded by Ariane Brandt, with fellow Board Members Tara Greenway and Tom Sweitzer(hotlinks to all bios) joining soon thereafter. Our belief is that when people are operating above survival level, when they are in a state of wellness- physical, mental and spiritual--they make better choices. These choices reflect the common human needs for connection, interdependency, spirited dialogue, and community. From this basic wellness come the senses of trust, belonging, and good will essential to creating a peaceful society. Since live theatre has the ability to transform its audiences and provide a communal experience, it is here we wish to focus. Through enhancing our own life energy and sharing it with our audiences, we hope to create lasting relationships within our performance communities which help to foster peaceful and creative solutions to the strife and tension created by ethnic, racial, religious, and socio-economic differences. We hope to refocus the energy on what goals we all have in common, and how much we all win when we support one another in our mutual goals.

Our current mission is to invent a form of theater which measurably raises the life energy of our audience. To do this, our performers must themselves be in a state of high life energy which is constantly monitored and maintained. We are in the process of creating a method by which our Company can become self-sufficient and proficient as we move forward to a future of original theatre pieces, and a repertory company for great classical works.

Healing Arts Haven features the techniques of NDT™ and Kantillation™ (Emotional Clearing & Futuring) as its basis for integration. Other modalities will be presented as well, and our programming will include artists and healers from around the world not necessarily exposed to NDT™. In curating the various performers, teachers, and exhibits, classes and workshops, the overriding criterion will be that the work represents an intentional and integrated desire to heal.

Our creative team of performers includes actors, dancers, singers, directors, healers, a sketch comedy writer, an interfaith minister, two playwrights, and two writer/composers of musicals. Everyone involved performs expertly in at least two if not three or four of these roles.
